Our firm practices law only in Ohio. If you have questions about an issue that does
not relate to Ohio, please contact a law firm that practices in your state.

Your Advocates in the Workplace and Beyond
It can be an uphill battle to protect your rights against companies and government officials who have more power and more resources than you do. Our job is to level the playing field. We help employees hold their employers accountable for unjust and discriminatory treatment at work, and we protect individuals against abuse and misconduct by government officials. Whether it is your livelihood, your health, your family, or your reputation that has been injured, we are here to help you pursue effective legal solutions.
Our firm handles a variety of situations inside and outside the workplace, including the following types of cases:
- Employment Law
- Employment Contracts
- Discrimination
- Harassment
- Severance Agreements
- Civil Rights
- Police Misconduct
- Public Records
- Privacy
- Defamation
- Medical Privileging
- Medical Leave and Wages
- Professional Negligence
- Whistleblower Laws